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Author Guidelines

Please note: Upon successful completion of the peer-review process of your submission, if the article is accepted for publication, the corresponding author will be asked to pay the Article Processing Fee of $300 or $20 per page, whichever amount is smaller. An email from the Editor-in-Chief will be sent along with instructions for payment electronically at a secure link to the corresponding author upon final acceptance of the article for publication, or payment can be sent surface mail by check to

PO Box 12657
Dallas, Texas 75225

The Following Elements Are Essential

The corresponding author will be sent a Template into which the following sections can simply be cut and pasted from the original manuscript. If this can be done by the corresponding author it will greatly facilitate the process of uploading material to the website which will be done by the Editor.

Abstract: Summary of methods, results, discussion, and any other necessary information. Usually should not exceed 150 to 300 words. (If the submission is a Letter to the Editor, Critique of a Published Article, Response to a Critique, or a Response in a series of exchanges, it should still be preceded by a brief summary of not more than 25-50 words. All published submissions will be peer-reviewed usually by at least two individuals.)  

Word limit: In general, less is more, but no upper limit is set on length. Aim to be as concise as possible but without sacrificing intelligibility. Accuracy in the reporting of known and discovered facts can only be judged in work that is intelligible and that is understood by its authors and consumers. Intelligibility stands on a par with truthful reporting of known facts as distinct from reasoned beliefs and inferences and the latter as distinct from mere opinions. In general, this journal promotes research and theory with sufficient evidence to reasonably determine facts and make them known to others. It is not about mere opinions. There are many other outlets for those. This peer-reviewed academic journal is about research and theory pertaining to the subject-matter of practices pertaining to vaccines.

Preferred Font: The preferred font for the journal is Garamond 12 point for all the text, any figures, tables, etc.

Referencing style: The required style is "American Psychological Association (APA) 7th Edition". APA style is preferred over other ICMJE medical styles, such as “Vancouver”. This style readily incorporates the DOI and URL information necessary for optimal access to full texts, videos, web pages, etc. Useful example references for in-text citations and for the alphabetical list at the end of the article can be found at this APA 7th link. Here is a typical example for a journal article. The in text reference should look like this, Broudy and Arakaki (2020) or  (Broudy & Arakaki, 2020) with an active hyperlink to the URL, and the item in the reference list at the end of the paper should look like the following (also containing the active hyperlink to the URL):

Broudy, D., & Arakaki, M. (2020). Who wants to be a slave? The technocratic convergence of humans and data. Frontiers in Communication, 5.

IJVTPR requires that multiple in-text entries must be arranged chronologically from earliest to latest by publication date, NOT alphabetically as in many styles. In the narrative or explanatory part of the article chronology outranks the alphabet. However, in the list titled “References” at the end of each IJVTPR article, entries are alphabetically arranged by the first author’s last name, and so forth. The essential question in every referential entry (in-text or at the end) is the validity of its pragmatic connection to whatever objective-resource it aims to signify. With that objective in mind, the most important element in every entry in a reference list is the hyperlink connecting the reader with an on-line full-text source if one is available, or with an abstract or place to obtain the item referred to.

Peer Review Process for the IJVTPR

  1. Peer Review Policy. Our policy is to peer-review every submission that is relevant to any of the subject-matter areas summarized above. Any submissions that are judged outside the scope of the journal, or that violate our no ad hominem policy, may be rejected without further review. In cases of doubt, reviewers may nonetheless be called upon to make sure no legitimate submission is mishandled. However, we do not accept advertising or marketing materials in any form even if well-disguised as academic research. Nor to we condone or accept papers from authors who have not openly declared any known or possible conflicts of interest.
  2. Peer Review Practice. Normally at least two reviewers from the Editorial Board will be called upon to examine and critique materials in the subject-matter areas of the journal. Technically complex and abstract theory and research may involve multiple back and forth interactions asking for detailed revisions, clarifications, and the like with three to seven reviewers examining and critiquing the work. Contributing authors are asked to provide adequate evidence of their own qualifications through their ORCID number, and by giving an accurate and up-to-date summary of their own experience and research relevant to whatever work they are submitting for consideration. Items that draw on the contributor’s prior published work may be acceptable with full disclosure of any prior book or other academic publication(s) where the work appeared previously, but must be openly disclosed, and will always be judged on the merits.
  3. Plagiarism is exceedingly unlikely to get past the first step in the review process, will be discovered if and when it occurs, and will absolutely not be tolerated.
  4. Conflicts of Interest. We are most concerned about the kind of conflicts that promise in some way to put money in the pocket of any would-be contributor. With that in mind, the IJVTPR policy conforms to the recommendations detailed by the Committee on Publication Ethics as discussed at and as spelled out at the PLOS ONE site with this singular exception: The IJVTPR aims for the higher standard of complete financial independence from the typical vested interests of the medical/pharmaceutical/governmental hegemony that for some years now, has dominated academic publishing especially in the multi-trillion dollar industry of the pharmaceuticals, genetic therapies, vaccines, and all that is associated with the subject-matter of this journal. We do not accept advertising of any kind and the minimal publication fees paid by contributors (that can be and are waived upon reasonable requests) only cover expenses for software, archiving, the Digital Object Identifiers, processing of meta-data, and other necessities.
  5. Declaration of Purpose: The journal exists as a non-profit entity solely for the purpose of public education. Its first issue was published July 15, 2020, and, to this date, it remains, as far as is known, the only academic peer-reviewed open access journal that is completely free to readers and accessible to independent researchers who are quite generally precluded from publishing theory and research that does not conform to the marketing and propaganda objectives of the mainstream medical/academic journals that are charging about ten times the fees that enable maintenance of the IJVTPR. The aim of IJVTPR is to offer an outlet for the rational examination of theory and research in this field. Our aim is to avoid and/or expose pretentious “academic” work that is actually being shaped, cherry-picked, and tweaked to conform to the advertising slogans, mantras, and untruths of an industry increasingly dominated not by genuine inquiry and critical thinking, but by propaganda, marketing, profit-margins, and government protections that threaten the freedom of our nation and the people of the whole world.
  6. Conflict of Interest Policy of IJVTPR. In view of the foregoing, our conflict of interest standard is higher, more intense, and stricter than that of the mainsteam journals where editors and staff are generally bankrolled by vested interests that stand to gain monetarily from certain directed research outcomes and prior theoretical commitments that are commonly concealed rather than disclosed. We refer all of our users to the long-standing and irrefragable claims of Professor John Ioannidis of Stanford, and his collaborators, showing that much of what is published in the mainstream journals is false and in many cases is designed in such a manner as to obtain a particular marketing objective that covers up rather than reveals the truth of the issues supposedly at stake (Ioannidis, 2005; Fanelli et al., 2018). Much of what is published as academic “research” is actually known to be propaganda guided by the interests of advertising. Most mainstream academic/medical publishing is being done in collusion with the CDC, FDA, the huge manufacturers of drugs, therapeutics, and “gain of function” potential pandemic pathogens (PPPs) represented to the public either as non-existent — as claimed by Anthony Fauci under oath (2012); but see Fleming (2021) for a long trail of research explicitly designed to create the COVID-19 “pandemic” and boasted about by Fauci himself (see Figure 1 in Broudy & Kyrie (2021, p. 150; published in the New York Post ) — or merely as defensive precautions by a benevolent government. To all that, the IJVTPR is an appropriate and needed independent academic response.
  7. Peer-Review Limitations Acknowledged. There can be no completely perfect peer-review system, but our goal is to rely on the best and most qualified examination of the theory and research submitted for review that can be had. We do not subscribe to the concept of “blinded” review which we consider to be pretentious and mostly untrue as the cited works above already have shown. We prefer open critical and thoughtful exchanges in which reviewers interact freely with submitting authors to obtain the best work that can be produced. Academic research and theory, and especially publications such as those that appear in the IJVTPR are always to be regarded as “progress reports” subject to amplification, correction of errors that may be discovered at any time, and always subject to ongoing critical review, debate, and continued open inquiry. The purpose of peer-review is to ensure open discussion by qualified academics who are diligently pursuing comprehension and representation of experimentally verifiable knowledge — in keeping with, as we have said, the “Feynman rule” — if it does not agree with well-designed experimental research the theory is wrong. There is much to be said for thoughtful and critical examination of ideas, but in the final analysis it is agreement between representations and known facts that is pursued — ordinary truth of the narrative kind (Oller, 2010, 2014). Repeated mantras and propaganda, lies concocted to sell dangerous products (see Fleming’s ground-breaking work, 2021), will be easily recognized in such a context whereas genuine critical thinking and honest pursuit of ordinary truth will also, generally, be known to thoughtful readers. The old wisdom that truth is known by its fruits, applies. The purpose of peer-review is to ensure, as much as is possible, the honest pursuit of such knowledge — ordinary true representations consistent with observable facts.

Punctuation, Special Symbols, and Format: Put any comma or period outside of quotation marks unless it is logically part of the quoted material. To add symbols, use the Insert → Symbol function or paste into the text the desired Unicode character. Sections and sub-sections must not exceed 4 heading levels clearly indicated in the text. Footnotes are okay but it is preferred if possible to put the information in the text. All manuscripts must be submitted in English and spell-checking should conform to General American English per the Oxford English Dictionary.

Recycling or Precycling and the IJVTPR Plagiarism Policy: With respect to submitted materials, all sources should be adequately referenced and any quoted material must be properly marked to avoid any hint of plagiarism. With respect to recycling or precycling of the author's own work, because it is not logically possible to steal one's own work, authors are allowed discretion, but should cite any published sources, and are solely responsible for obtaining written permission in advance for any published material (even their own work) when the publisher has obtained a copyright interest in the material in question. 

Marking Quoted Material Clearly: All quoted material must appear within quotation marks or, for special emphasis, it may be set off clearly from the main text by indentation and a reduction in font size. Interpolations in quoted material should be set off in brackets [like this] and the quotation must be marked by either by quotation marks enclosing the quoted material or by clear indentation that sets off the quoted material from the rest of the text, but not by both. In indented quoted material, if the source is not mentioned in the text prior to the quotation, it must be mentioned at the end of the indented material (like this, 2022) with the final punctuation following the later parenthesis (like this).

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or if it has previously appeared an explanation has been provided by email to the Editor-in-Chief).
  • The submission file must be Microsoft Word in a 12 point Garamond font with single spacing. The reference style is the 7th edition of the American Psychological Association Publication Manual and the list must be conformed to Zotero's version of that style-sheet. References in the text and in the alphabetical Reference list at the end of the manuscript (not numbered) must include an active hyperlink to each instance preferably to the DOI expressed as a URL, or to some other functional URL. References to material not available through a URL are to be avoided or must be accounted for in a footnote.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics for emphasis, rather than underlining; and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end. Captions are explanatory and abbreviations are avoided as much as possible. If abbreviations are used, they should be explained in the caption or a clearly readable legend included with the figure, illustration, or table. Axes for graphs and charts are thoroughly and transparently labeled. The font use for all these materials should be Garamond as in the text.
  • Because the Open Journal Systems (OJS) software lacks complete transparency to authors and to editors alike, it is requested that submitting authors send a their submission as an email attachment directly to the Editor-in-Chief at [email protected].

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.