Dispelling the Myth of a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated
Ontario Science Table, hospitalizations due to COVID-19, pandemic of the unvaccinated, methodological errorsAbstract
We have reanalyzed the Ontario Science Table data on hospitalizations for COVID-19 in COVID-19 vaccinated versus unvaccinated patients admitted to hospital during various waves of the pandemic. In spite of the Ontario Science Table and the mass media claims that the unvaccinated were the dominant population being hospitalized, a more rigorous evaluation of the existing data shows that this narrative is not correct for the latter waves of COVID-19. We identify a series of methodological issues that may have led to their conclusions and why such issues may have resulted in policies that have been largely ineffective.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Deanna McLeod, Ilidio Martins, Stephen Pelech, Ceilidh Beck, Christopher A Shaw

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